Alcohol Research Programs


Alcohol Research Programs Objectives

To develop a sound fundamental knowledge base which can be applied to the development of improved methods of treatment and more effective strategies for preventing alcoholism and alcohol-related problems.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) supports research in a broad range of disciplines and subject areas related to biomedical and genetic factors, psychological and environmental factors, alcohol-related problems and medical disorders, health services research, and prevention and treatment research.

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program: to increase private sector commercialization of innovations derived from Federal research and development; to increase small business participation in Federal research and development; and to foster and encourage participation of socially and economically disadvantaged small business concerns and women-owned small business concerns in technological innovation.

Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program: To stimulate and foster scientific and technological innovation and technology transfer through cooperative research and development carried out between small business concerns and research institutions; to increase private sector commercialization of innovations derived from Federal research and development; and to foster and encourage participation of socially and economically disadvantaged small business concerns and women-owned small business concerns in technological innovation.

Alcohol Research Programs Grants

PROJECT GRANTS including Project Grants and Fellowships.

FY 2018 est. – $384,657,000

FY 2019 est. – $345,537,000

Alcohol Research Programs Application Procedures

The standard application forms, as furnished by PHS, must be used by grant applicants. Application kits, containing the necessary forms and instructions, if not available at the applicant institution, may be obtained from the NIAAA. Consultation on proposed projects is also available. Pre-application consultation with NIAAA staff is required before submission of a Program Project grant application or any unsolicited new grant application requesting $500,000 or more direct costs in any one year.

Who Can Apply for Alcohol Research Grants?

Applicant Eligibility

Public or private profit and nonprofit agencies, including State, local, or regional government agencies, universities, colleges, hospitals, academic or research institutions may apply for research grants. SBIR grants can be awarded only to domestic small businesses (entities that are independently owned and operated for profit, are not dominant in the field in which research is proposed, and have no more than 500 employees). Primary employment (more than one-half time) of the principal investigator must be with the small business at the time of award and during the conduct of the proposed project. In both Phase I and Phase II, the research must be performed in the U.S. and its possessions. To be eligible for funding, a grant application must be approved for scientific merit and program relevance by a scientific review group and a national advisory council.

Who Can Benefit from Alcohol Research Grants Programs?

Beneficiary Eligibility

Federal, U.S. Territories, Individual/Family, Minority group, Small business, Profit organization, Private nonprofit institution/organization, Quasi-public nonprofit organization, Other private institution/organization, Native American Organizations, Health Professional, Education Professional, Student/Trainee, Graduate Student, Scientist/Researchers, Small Business Person, Black, American Indian, Spanish Origin, Asian, Other Non-White, State, U.S. Citizen, Women, Disabled (e.g. Deaf, Blind, Physically Disabled), Local, Education (13+), Public nonprofit institution/organization, Other public institution/organization, Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments.

Alcohol Research Programs – 92.273

Contact Information

Ranga V. Srinivas,
Chief, Extramural Project Review Branch National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism,
National Institutes of Health,
5635 Fishers Lane Room 2085,
Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 451-2067
(301) 443-7043
Full Info on Alcohol Research Programs: